
The use of master menu is the first and most useful menu because it is first necessary to create accounts of all types of parties, etc. That the merchant's account is used to make the artisan's account the customer's account and the row material and finish material of the item and the process of workmanship.

Acoount Master

This menu key is used to enter a new account. These accounts can be of many types such as merchant's account, customer's account, artisan's account, and other such accounts can also be created from here, the name of the account and all its related kind of past writing here.

Group Code :
85 - Customers (Sales Party)
135 – Suppliers (Purchase Party)
136 – Karigar Accounts

Item Master

Item master is used to create useful items in buying and selling items after making item off in item master, the items created at the time of entry of purchase and sale are used in which all types of row materials and fancy materials are entered.

After writing the name of the item in the item master, what is the type of the item in the category box, such as whether the item is fancy material or row material, it is preferred to write the name of the item and the type of the item after writing the category It is known how the item will be purchased or used in the box on the unit, such as if the item has come on meter, kg, nos, pcs, then it is written in the box.

Process Master

Process master is used to create process names, how many types of process are done to create items, the names of all types of processes are written here .

In Process Master the following process items are created to create .

Desing Estimate For New Lot

How many types of row material and how many types will be processed to make a fancy item, its average and how much rate all types of past are written here .

In the screen shown above, the number will be written even after adding the design number, after writing the design number, how many PCS to make will be written, after writing the PCS, which row material will be required to make the design, it is preferred by entering.

After liking the row material and the whole process, the photograph of the design that is going to be made can also be added to it, so that the information about which item is being made can be known by looking at the photograph of the design, from the screen to add the photograph of the design. You can add the photograph of the design by clicking on the browse pic file.

After adding the photograph of the design, by clicking on the image button, you can see the design of the item for which you are working, in the design making, at what rate will the design be prepared in the last, from here it can be known that the amount to be reared Will see you in the end.

Sample Creation Cycle


"One Step Solution For Computerized Accountancy"