
Desing Register

This menu is used to see the sheet of how many designs have been entered in the Design Master this month, in which the number of row materials and how many processes will be taken to make a design, the complete past can be seen from here

If you want to see the past of any one design, then by pressing the F1 button on the box of the design number, you will get to see the help of all the designs, by choosing one design, you can see all its past on the screen.

Desing Pending To Issue

In this, you can see the report of how many designs have been made using new and are yet to be issued by the artisan.

Anyone can do a design voice check even if that design is issued or not.

Purchase Register

This menu is used to view the report of the amount of goods purchased from which party

To see the purchase of any one party wise goods, by pressing the button on F1 on the box of the party, the party's help will open, in which party filter can see the report of how many goods have been purchased from any one party from here

In this way, if you want to see the report of any one item, then it can also be seen from here, by pressing the button on F1 on the box of the item, the help of the item will open, in which the item has been purchased from which party, the report can also be found from here.

Lot Reports

Lot Item Issue Log

In this, this menu is used to see the report of how many lots of goods were produced in the new and how much goods were issued to the artisan and how much is left to be delivered to the artisan, any one design wise or any one letter number If you want to see Wise Pending Report, you can also get it from here

Any one Artisan Vice can see the report of how much issue has been returned and how much is pending.

Lot Process Issue Log

This NU is used to see the report of which artisan was given how much work to do and how much design has been given, if you want to see the report, design number wise item wise and artisan wise, then that too will be seen.

Stock At Shop

This menu is used to see the report of the amount of goods stocked in your shop or godown, which item was purchased from which merchant and how much material has been given to which artisan and how much material artisan The report is to be seen from here and how much is left to be given to

Pending Process To Issue

Which process goods are yet to be issued to the artisan, his report can be seen from here, which lot number and which design number, how many processes have been started and how many processes have been talked about to give to the artisan, his design number wise. This menu is used to view item wise report

Pending Process To Receive

New is used in this to see the report of which artisan was given to which process, how much goods were received and how much goods are pending with the artisan. Design Number Wise and Item Wise and Artisan Wise Report If you want to see it can also be seen from here

Karigar Hisab Stock

Karigar Hisab Ammount

Karigar Proc Deli Register

Karigar FIN Prod Deli Register

Stock Excess With Karigar

Sample Reminders


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